Wicked Wisdom

  • Explore
  • Investigate
  • Evolve

Science is always changing and I don’t claim to know it all. My intention is to get the most easily digestible version of the simplified science of how we work and small actions that go with that information.. I encourage you all, if these subjects interest you, get out there and read about it. Knowing more about the how only helps us grow and succeed. Knowledge is worth more than gold. 

About Me

Understanding how your body works helps with an easier development of new habits, leading to a better self and reprogramming your nervous system. If the proximity of a goal becomes closer, it increases the success at which you reach it. We all have the goal to be healthier. My goal is to do an extremely simplistic presentation of very complicated content about your nervous system, which is the control center to everything in your body. Offering starting points and small stepping stones to begin to feel successful and healthier. After all, if your brain THINKS it is reaching it’s goals, it will tell your body it is, thus rewarding and further motivating you. Your perception is your truth, let’s change that perception one small step at a time.

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